
HowToPulse & NFTonPulse
Sacrifice is LIVE!


Earn $HTP token, by sending any supported coins, do not send from a cex

How It Works

Copy address Copy addressCopy

Click "Copy", the address above

Any amount

No minimum amount


Earn points for dollars sacrificed

Supported Networks & Coins

Send your payment in cryptocurrency (USDT, USDC, DAI, ETH, HEX) to that address, and voilà—your purchase is complete!

Accepted Coins

ETH Network

Pulsechain Network

Bigger Pays Better

All bonuses and bigger pays better points will be calculated at the end of the phase

The more you spend from a single wallet, the more points you will receive

Get up to2.5Xmultiplier on your points.

Top address will get2.5Xon their FIRST point, the bottom address will get1Xon their LAST point.

beta logo

beta logo$HTP Use Case

$HTP is a PRC20 launching on PulseChain

Earn PLS by staking your $HTP token on

A Native NFT Marketplace on PulseChain

Sacrifice Leaderboard

All bonuses will be applied at the end of the sacrifice phase

Wallet address
USD Value Sacrificed
Sacrifice Points

Or alternatively use the "dollars you sacrifice" to generate support for your favourite PulseChain project:


You are sacrificing for the freedom of education being available to everyone.